Spring Art Show 2013

The Promega Spring Art Showcase presents An International Celebration of Women Through Art. Inspired by International Women’s Day, the showcase features the struggles and empowerment of women. The exhibit will feature artists Dr. Lilian Nabulime (Uganda), Michael Kienitz (Latin America) and Jane Madrigal (US/Latina).

Lilian Nabulime – An artist, senior lecturer, and former Head of the Sculpture Department at Makerere University in Uganda. Nabulime’s work uses everyday objects from Ugandan women’s lives (i.e. soap, sieves, cloth, mirror) to embody a specific social agenda to raise awareness and promote discussion about sexual practice and HIV/AIDS. Her work attempts to move the meaning of art beyond the visual and into the social. Nabulime resides in Kampala, Uganda.

Michael Kienitz – A photographer for over 40 years, his work has appeared in Life, Time, Newsweek and other publications worldwide. In this exhibit Kienitz’s photography documents inspiring microfinance borrowers and coffee farmers in Latin America. Kienitz collaborated with Working Capital for Community Needs (WCCN), a nonprofit organization that empowers low-income Latin American entrepreneurs and small-scale farmers through microcredit, fair trade, housing projects and women’s empowerment initiatives. Kienitz is a photojournalist instructor at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin.

Jane Madrigal – A Chicana artist and muralist, her work reflects her indigenous culture, the power of women, and a vision of a better future for the next generation. Madrigal will exhibit Revolutionary Women woodcut prints focusing on the women who have struggled, survived and shown solidarity and organized transformative social change. Madrigal is a cultural arts educator in San Antonio, Texas.

Download the Spring Art Show 2013 Press Release